Meet Our Partners: Jill Takasaki Canfield, Executive Director of Hawaii Literacy

Feb. 16, 2023
By Hailey Kurtenbach
In today's rapidly changing and highly technological world, the importance of literacy skills have taken on a new dimension. While the traditional forms of reading and writing still hold great importance, digital literacy has become an essential skillset for everyone from keiki to kūpuna to possess. The term "literacy" no longer refers to only the ability to read and write, but has expanded to include the capability to use digital tools and technologies.
Having a strong understanding of both traditional and digital literacy is crucial within the modern world, yet not everyone in our community has equal access to the education and tools they need to succeed. This divide was made even more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. With widespread lockdowns and social distancing measures in place, some could not participate in the dramatic shift in the way we communicate and work. This has further higlighted the need for initiatives that help bridge the gap and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop their literacy skills.
AUW nonprofit partner Hawaii Literacy is working at the forefront of improving access to literacy programming and resources on O‛ahu. Recently, Executive Director Jill Takasaki Canfield shared with us all the ways her organization is committed to supporting the one in six adults in Hawai‛i with low literacy skills, in addition to young learners.

Watch the full interview: