ALICE Initiative 2025 - 2027 RFP

Aloha United Way and the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation are excited to continue partnership for the 2025 - 2027 ALICE Cohort!
Please see details below to complete a letter of intent for your nonprofit to participate in The ALICE Initiative.

Cohort Opportunities:

The ALICE Initiative empowers nonprofit partners to initiate substantial change by utilizing a collective impact model to drive innovation, advocacy, and strategic interventions to elevate ALICE households into upward economic mobility.
  • Annual unrestricted organizational funding of $60,000-$80,000 for a period of three years.
  • Collaborative efforts among cohort partners, including convenings, learning opportunities, and technical assistance, to address the needs of residents living at or below the ALICE Threshold.
  • Collective impact through a shared method by which cohort partners identify their ALICE participants and support for data collection.
  • Collective impact through shared metrics by which cohort partners use to measure program outcomes for ALICE participants across four impact areas, alongside support for data collection.
  • Collective impact through a coordinated advocacy agenda and the ALICE Initiative's joint actions to spotlight this agenda, such as press releases, press conferences, and legislator visits, annually.
  • Opportunities for cohort partners to collaboratively propose innovative or scalable projects (involving three or more partners) that aim to make a significant impact within a specific area. These projects may receive funder support, such as assistance from grant writers or commitments to present proposals to potential funders, to help bring the projects to fruition.

ALICE Partner Impact Areas:

Partner organizations that have programs dealing with the following areas are encouraged to submit a proposal:
  • Income & Financial Stability
  • Housing for Hawaiʻi’s Families
  • Workforce Opportunities
  • Advocacy

Cohort Partner Requirements: 

  1. Provide ALICE-appropriate direct service and/or advocacy for households at or below ALICE on Oʻahu. 
  2. Commit to collective impact with cohort partners. 
  1. Participate fully in all convenings and activities. 
  1. Align metrics, collect and share data, iterate and improve methods. 
  1. General support for ALICE policy priorities. 
  1. Participate in building a shared policy agenda for each year of the grant cycle.  
  2. Adopt the shared method by which cohort partners identify their ALICE participants and utilize this method in data collection.  
  1. This will include collecting household composition, household income, and zip code. 
  1. Choose at least one impact area aligned with the organization’s work, adopt the shared metrics for the impact area(s) and measure program impact for ALICE participants, collect data in the impact area(s), and engage with cohort partners working in the impact area(s) to improve/refine the impact area and/or data collection. 
  2. Provide pulse report data on or before deadlines. 
  3. Respond to requests for feedback related to convenings, activities, and annual initiative reports. 
  4. Commit the same key staff to represent the organization at all required convenings and activities. 
  1. Two staff with leadership roles within impact area(s) and/or data systems (one staff member may be an alternate participant who attends when the lead participant is unable to attend). 
  1. CEO/ED participation in half-day convening in January 2025, and subsequent January convenings in 2026 and 2027 (dates to be determined by cohort partners). 
  1. Encourage CEO/ED participation in coordinated advocacy action at the beginning of the legislative session on Jan 15, 2025, and subsequent Jan advocacy actions in 2026 and 2027 (dates to be determined by cohort partners).  
  1. Provide the organization’s logo for use by AUW and HCF in collateral describing and reporting on the ALICE 2025-27 Initiative and (optionally) for the shared advocacy agenda. 
  2. Create or update the organization’s 2-1-1 listing at least annually and for all new or ALICE-serving programs. 
  3. Grantees must be an active AUW partner or able to become one by Jan 1, 2025. 


Eligible nonprofit agencies can fill out a Letter of Intent form on e-Cimpact: Aloha United Way: Agency Site (
Interested agencies can submit a Letter of Intent between July 8 - August 5, 2024, 4pm.
Selected entities will then be invited to complete a full application between August 12 - September 6, in addition to participating in an interview with the review council.
Contact Kayla Keehu-Alexander at for any question.